
Bakersfield, California 93302


(661) 716-1841

Access The Right Resources .

The Infinity team is committed to staying appraised of the latest technology trends and continues to expand our knowledge base. We're not only dedicated to being the best technology consultant for our clients, we also actively look for new ways to share our knowledge with you.

Explore Our Resource Library

The Infinity team is committed to staying appraised of the latest technology trends and continues to expand our knowledge base. We’re not only dedicated to being the best technology consultants for our clients, we also actively look for new ways to share our knowledge with you.

Connectivity Off Campus

As the new school year approaches and students may be staying home during the first part of the year, are you prepared for to provide them connectivity while they are away from campus? This paper will give you some ideas on how you can provide connectivity for students while away from campus.

2017 E-Rate- Taming the EPC Monster and Other Beasts

Did you miss out on attending one of our sessions during CETPA? Did you attend but want a copy for yourself? Well, here they are! Please let us know if you have any questions, comments and/or concerns! We love feedback!

2017 CETPA – Surveillance Camera Session

Did you miss out on attending one of our sessions during CETPA? Did you attend but want a copy for yourself? Well, here they are! Please let us know if you have any questions, comments and/or concerns! We love feedback!

2017 Purchasing Rules and Guideline Updates

Did you miss out on attending one of our sessions during CETPA? Did you attend but want a copy for yourself? Well, here they are! Please let us know if you have any questions, comments and/or concerns! We love feedback!

Infinity Participates in Many Organizations

To remain as up to date as possible, Infinity participates in many organizations: E-MPA, CITE, CASBO, CASH, SSDA, CCFC, BICSI, ACSA and more. The ever changing landscape of education technology trends, building code compliance, the E-Rate program, and others, require the our staff remain on the forefront of discussions in all areas.

We Attend Trade Shows & Conferences

Infinity attends many trades shows each year that directly relate to educational technology and educational business. While attending these trade shows and conferences, often times, Infinity will present seminars coverings topics like: Campus Safety and Security, Planning the Future of Technology and How to Pay For It, Navigating E-Rate, Maximizing Category Spending, Assessing and Planning Technology, and many more.